Visit By Hans-Böckler-Berufskolleg, Münster-Germany

The College community is hereby informed that the college patners from Hans-Böckler-Berufskolleg, Münster-Germany would be visiting the College from 29th September to 18th October, 2023. As part of our shcool's exchange visits.

The participants, as shown in the picture above include,(From left to right) Markus Rohe, Leo Hillmann, Martin Hammerhofer (Key Contact Person), Marvin Kühnbaum, Mika Marinho Lopes, Aika Chodera and Jessica Suthoff.

Staff and students are by this notice encouraged to be involved in the activites. Our students and colleagues from Hans-Böckler-Berufskolleg would be involved in everyday activities, both academic and non-academic.


Berekum College of Education